When your puppy has behavioural issues

Just like children, puppies can be prone to temper tantrums and bad behaviour. If your puppy has not been blessed with the best start in life, it might also come to your home with lots of issues that may additionally have an impact on how it behaves.

Just like children, puppies can be prone to temper tantrums and bad behaviour. If your puppy has not been blessed with the best start in life, it might also come to your home with lots of issues that may additionally have an impact on how it behaves. With the right training, however, you can nip behavioural issues in the bud from an early age, so that your puppy becomes well adjusted, obedient and a pleasure to have around the home.

How to tackle a badly-behaved puppy

Whether your puppy is simply not doing as it's told, frequently bites, chews, barks or goes to the toilet inside your home, there are a whole raft of dog behaviours that can be tackled and eradicated swiftly by a dog behaviourist in Formby, for example. Often, simply understanding why the behaviour is happening in the first place can provide you with the solution you need to stop it.

If you're not sure how to deal with a badly-behaved puppy, you may wish to consider consulting experts, such as those who provide dog therapy in Liverpool. Search online to review your options and read what a dog behaviourist can offer you.

Lack of exercise

A dog behaviourist is trained to spot the signs and behaviour patterns, and knows just what to do to tackle them. If your puppy frequently barks, chews up your possessions or digs up the garden, this could indicate that it's bored, frustrated, suffers from excess energy and may not be getting the stimulus it needs to keep it active and engaged.

A simple reason why this may be occurring could be that it just isn't getting enough exercise. By increasing the amount of walks it gets, you might soon start to notice a difference in your puppy's behaviour. If you aren't in a position to walk your dog more frequently, a qualified walker offering best puppy obedience training in Wigan may be able to do this, whilst also providing corrective skills to teach your dog to become more obedient.

Separation anxiety


Just like babies, puppies can feel anxious if they are separated from their carers, so if you notice destructive behaviour from your pet when you return home, it's worth considering if separation anxiety might be the root cause. Signs of separation anxiety may include going to the toilet in the home and causing destruction in your absence. You might also notice your pup becoming fretful when you leave without it, or following you around.

In order to tackle separation anxiety in your puppy, a trained dog behaviourist in Formby or a specialist offering dog therapy in Liverpool can use training, modification and desensitisation exercises to correct your dog's way of thinking. You may also benefit from hiring a dog walker to care for your pet during any periods away from home lasting more than a few hours, as this may alleviate any anxiety issues, whilst providing it with the stimulus it needs to not fret about being away from you.

About Dog Ramblers

Dog Ramblers are a highly experienced & qualified dog walking, Instructor level Dog Training throughout Merseyside, West Lancashire, Cheshire and Manchester. Visit more: http://www.dog-ramblers.co.uk/contact-us/

Contact Information

Dog Ramblers

4 Selby Pl, Skelmersdale
Phone : 7776761289
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Published in

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Published on

Mar 23, 2016
