12 Unfailing Press Release Writing Rules to Instantly Achieve Excellent Online Exposure

Press releases are the foundation of a successful media relations campaign. They are used to communicate with the public and to draw the attention of target groups and stakeholders to company-related issues.

The purpose of a press release is to raise awareness of the company, its products, and services, inform stakeholders about essential issues, and highlight innovations and personnel changes. But the benefits of a press release go beyond disseminating information. They can directly or indirectly affect your company's image.

There is no better way to spread information about your company than a press release. Press releases are an invaluable communication tool that can raise awareness and provide concise answers to essential questions about your company. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or the marketing director of a large company, knowing how to write press releases is essential to a successful PR campaign. In this guide, you'll learn how to write a compelling press release. It will help you get media attention at the right time.

All media and PR agencies can use press releases. For example, companies, non-profit organizations, schools, government agencies, churches, and hospitals use press releases to inform the public about their activities and information. Originally used to promote and provide accurate and understandable information, press releases have become the primary means of communication between businesses and the media.

What Is The Purpose Of The Press Release?

Press releases are widely distributed to people interested in news stories related to your company or brand. However, a press release does not necessarily mean a news story in the real sense at all. It is a guide for journalists to help them create content for consumers. To that extent, it should adequately convey a specific message. Bear in mind only an organization issues a press release, not an individual journalist. This press release has to contain detailed information, but not too much or offensive information.

With The Help Of Press Release Writing, You Can:

Build and maintain your company's image or change the existing public image of Your company.

Increase your visibility vis-à-vis the competition

Increase the confidence of customers and partners in your company

Strengthen your credibility

Engage in active crisis communication

Build expert status in your field

Ensure regular public reporting for your stakeholders

Firstly: The W Questions

When writing a press release, you should start with the most critical questions.

Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?

This information should be included at the beginning of the press release, just like any other information.
When writing a press release, make sure that the most critical information is at the beginning and read the last few paragraphs carefully to assess whether the message still makes sense.

A common mistake when writing a press release is to include the wrong information. The most important information is in the first or second paragraph. However, the subject of the press release should be clearly stated in the headline. Often it can be explained with text or pictures. When writing a press release, try to get to the heart of the story and make it more interesting for the journalist.
Before writing a press release, you should put yourself in the shoes of an editor who works all day and receives dozens of press releases and news from hundreds of organizations. You will also receive regular emails. Particularly in the case of new companies whose names are unknown to journalists, it is often the email address that determines whether or not a press release will be read. Always bear this in mind when writing a press release.

Here Are The 12 Essential Steps For Writing A Great Press Release That Is Sure To Be Read:

Working with the press is aimed primarily at journalists and other media professionals. They decide whether a press release about their company should be published in the media. The most important thing about press releases is the value of the message, i.e., the specific value that the message has for the recipient, reader, viewer, or listener. But if the recipient cannot process the content quickly, even the best content will be lost among the many press releases that the average journalist receives every day.

If you are not a journalist and have no experience in the media, this is not a problem. There are clear guidelines and rules for the content and format of press releases. Your press release will be targeted and informative if you follow these 12 essential rules for structure and content.

Step 1: Know The Value Of Your Release

Company events and news lend themselves particularly well to writing a press release. Find out whether your news is of interest to your target audience or the industry and its professionals.

Examples of topics

Announcing new products or services
Announce your organization's anniversary
Contributing to charity or other causes
Opening a new office or businesses
Participating in a local event
Publication of profit or revenue forecasts
New customers or partners have emerged

Step 2: Follow The KISS Principle: Keep It Short And Simple.

Always keep this in mind when writing a press release. If possible, format the text so that it can be published. This means that the text should be as short as possible. Do not use structured sentences when writing a press release. The use of nouns can make sentences more complex, both in terms of audience and length", as in the following example. It is better to write, "Avoid nouns as much as possible. In many cases, words can be written more simply. Use strong verbs.

Who is actually "one"? Describe exactly: who did what? Use active verbs. Do not use passive verbs when writing a press release. There's a reason your company is liked by your competitors. Pronouns often lead to passive voice. Your company doesn't give advice, but customers like it when you do

Difficult words are often unpleasant and can be paraphrased. When writing a press release, try to clarify unnecessary words and omit unnecessary words and acronyms. In the end, everyone should be able to understand the text. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who is not familiar with this area and reread the last sentence of Stained Glass. Notice the repetition of the words. Synonyms can make the message more attractive. The following ideas will help you when writing your press release:

The most important thing at the beginning?
Foreign words avoided?
Abbreviations explained?
Short sentences?
Adjectives and adverbs deleted?
Active formulations?
Rewrote nouns?
Strong verbs used?
Word repetitions?
Who is actually "one"?

Step 3. Structure Your Message According To The 6 W-Questions

Make notes on the answers to the most critical 6 W-questions in your message:


What is the central message of your message?
What is the central subject of your message?
What is the news?


Where does the event take place?
In which places does the message have an impact?


Who are the main protagonists (people, company, and brand)?
Who is affected by it?
To whom does the subject of the report have an impact?
Who is affected?


How does the subject matter of the notification affect it?
How does it work?
How does something work?


Why is something done? Why does something have to take place? Why is it worth reporting?

Step 4: Prepare A Press Release Format

A good press release will get the attention of journalists if you write it well crafted and will be taken seriously. A press release has several parts. After a journalist gets a press release, they look for information that they believe their readers will be interested in. Therefore, if the information is inaccurate or incorrectly described, the press release may be deleted or discarded.

The structure of the press release depends on the distribution channel. When sending a press release to media outlets such as blogs or newspapers, follow the press release structure suggested on this page. If you send a press release through a news portal or PR network, always make sure you follow the guidelines.

Each press release consists of several parts, which should be written in a specific order. This is important for clarity and effectiveness.

#1 - Front Page

Your headline sets the title of the press release. This title should make it clear to the reader what the press release has to say. A good headline grabs the reader's attention and makes them want to know more.

#2: Place And Date

The date section of the press release tells the reader where your organization is located and how relevant the information is. For example, if your organization is based in New York City, the date section would look like this. New York, November 19, 2021.

#3. Content

The main section of the press release should include all relevant information and be divided into three parts.
The body or introductory text should immediately follow the date. The press release should briefly describe the topic in two to three sentences.
The introductory paragraph should provide information on the main subject of the publication. This section should contain all relevant information on the main content of the publication. The introductory paragraph should also be self-contained.
The central part of the report should focus on the subject of the PR report providing some additional information about the service or product. For example, if a new position or promotion is being announced, information about the person's education, work experience, and qualifications should be included. The information in this section can complement and enhance your message.

#4. Company Profile

At the bottom of your text, you can include information about the organization that created it. This information should include basic information such as the year the organization was founded, the purpose of its activities, and the services it provides. Provide basic information.

#5. Contact Details

Allowing journalists to contact you is essential. Please provide the postal address, telephone number, and email address of the person who can contact you about this article. You may also include links to your organization's website and social media accounts.

Step 5: Meeting The Official Criteria

The press release should be one A4 page in length. A press release should average between 3000 and 5000 characters. It should not exceed two pages and should include a title, logo, and contact details.

Use Paragraphs And Subheadings:

TThis will make it easier and faster for the reader to understand the content. Paragraphs that are too long make reading difficult.

Consider The Reading Behavior Of Online Press Releases:

Online users first scan a horizontal line at the beginning of the page. Only the first paragraph receives increased attention at the beginning. Therefore, use a subline to tell the reader right at the beginning what to expect.
The user then begins to scan the page vertically along the left margin. In doing so, the first words of the paragraphs are read. The reader does not consciously notice words in the right-hand area.
Subheadings and paragraphs give the eye orientation. They help the online reader to grasp content during the first-page scan.

Provide High-Quality Images:

A professional press release provides suitable images to illustrate the message and for use in the media. See the "Media" input field for what to look for in the attached images.

Enter A Contact Person:

Mail address, telephone number, and website are a must for journalists who have questions or need additional material.

Address The Right Distribution List:

The right addressees and the proper distribution list are crucial for the success of your press release. Either: use contacts you already have at regional or national daily newspapers or the trade press relevant to your sector. Or: you can use the PRnob service. We send your press releases to press distribution lists or directly to journalists and publish the release on our portals from your specific subject areas. You can easily add your contacts to our press distribution list.

Step 6. Observe Basic Stylistic Rules
Write Precisely

A press release is a purely informative text. When formulating your text, make sure that the reader immediately understands your text's central added value. Avoid filler words and keep your sentences as simple as possible. Avoid box sentences and long flowing texts without paragraphs. Use subheadings so that the reader can quickly find their way around.

Avoid Technical Terms And Foreign Words

This way, your sentences remain easy to understand and can also be read by addressees who are not experts. This is a significant issue in online PR, as press releases reach the general public and thus laypeople right from the start. If technical terms are indispensable, you must always explain them.

Stay Factual

Promotional press releases tend to be perceived as uninteresting and unserious. Limit yourself to facts, figures, and data instead of using superlatives and exaggerations. Filler words distract from the facts and make your release challenging to read.

Write Actively

Active constructions make your sentences more readable and appealing. If possible, formulate with verbs (activity word or time word) and do not use Nouns.


Normalization : Reading press releases with many nouns is tiring.
Better readable : Press releases with many nouns are difficult to read.

Use Quotations Quotations loosen up the text and make the content more authentic. They are also an opportunity to include subjective and evaluative statements. Have Your Text Proofread This will ensure that your text is understandable and the content is correct. Avoid mistakes in spelling and grammar at all costs, and it looks unprofessional.

Step 7. Use High-Quality Images

Free, technically flawless image material significantly increases the chance of publication.

Technical requirements

Offer pictures in portrait and landscape format
The minimum requirement for print media is an image resolution of 300 dpi. A higher resolution rarely makes sense and unnecessarily increases the data volume for digital transmission.
For pure online media, a resolution of 72 dpi is sufficient. Print media require images in CMYK color mode, online media in RGB.
The most suitable file format is the widely used JPG format, which can be displayed by most professional graphics processing programs and offers a good ratio of image quality to data volume.
Each photo must be accompanied by precise information: Who and/or what is being seen?
IMPORTANT: Only photos whose rights of use you have in writing may be used. This applies above all to the persons depicted. This can be particularly problematic at events.

Step 8. Avoid These Mistakes

The press release only serves the company's interests and ignores the target group of journalists.
Inexperienced writers often primarily consider the company's interests and try to satisfy their management with the press release. In doing so, however, you are ignoring the actual target group, the journalists. Please note: Just because a topic is essential for your company internally, it is not automatically interesting for journalists. Pay attention to the news value (see point 1).
The Press Release Is Confused With An Advertising Text
A press release is a public relations tool, not an advertisement. Promotional press releases are perceived as uninteresting and unserious. In the case of daily newspapers and popular magazines, advertising in the editorial section is even prohibited and subject to warning.

Step 9. Remember The Editorial Deadline For Urgent Reports

When planning and setting up your press distribution list, consider that many media have an editorial deadline for publication. In the case of urgent reports, a late dispatch of your report can hinder a timely publication. But even for less urgent, longer-term topics, it makes sense to keep an eye on the media's editorial deadline. For example, specialized media often have a long lead time for submitting topics. You can usually find information about the editorial deadline in the media data of the relevant medium. Create different press distribution lists which you structure according to the submission deadlines.

Step 10. The Boilerplate - Your Business Card

Don't forget to inform the reader about the sender of the press release with a compact company portrait. The boilerplate is a short, factual paragraph of text with the most critical information about your company that should appear at the end of every release. The more unknown your company or products are, the more details you should include.

Mandatory: Full name and company form
Head office of the company as well as other locations and branches
Date of foundation (if applicable, details on founders and deviating field of activity)
Industry / field of activity / product portfolio / specialization
Popular products or brands
Number of employees/company size / relevant turnover figures


Innovations / patents / milestones / awards
Special customers / references
Corporate mission

Step 11. What Should The Press Release Not Contain?

Inaccurate information in a press release can frustrate readers. In addition, the press release should contain only one piece of information. Create a separate release for each new item. For example, if you plan to launch a new product and organize a special event, you should not combine both in one press release.

It is also important not to mention competitors in the press release. Remember that the purpose of a press release is to promote your company. The journalist writing the article will read the press release and, if necessary, seek information about the competitor. Of course, you can also mention partnerships with other organizations if they are relevant to the press release's content.

Step 12. Distribution Of Press Releases

Once you have prepared a compelling press release and checked it for errors, you can send it to journalists, bloggers, and news agencies for publication. Compile a list of your favorite media outlets and check their websites to see if they have requirements for press release distribution. Many news organizations specify to whom press releases should be sent and in what format. Most organizations accept Word, PDF, and hypertext files. You may be tempted to send a press release to all media outlets in your area. However, make sure you only send the press release to media that are interested in the topic. For example, if you are organizing a live event, you should only send the press release to publications covering the event. Do not send the press release to media outlets that do not have a calendar of events. Sending multiple press releases can backfire. You can distribute a press release online through a press release distribution service such as Prnob.com, which can be helpful if you are in a crowded market or have not yet managed to get the attention of journalists.

Best Practices And Tips

A press release is a professional document. Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting are essential. A serious tone is also essential. Avoid making exaggerated claims about your product or service. Avoid exaggerated descriptions and words or phrases such as "best," "easiest," or "most luxurious." Exaggerated claims are biased and annoy journalists who want to judge the value of the product, service, or event they are covering. Fortunately, exaggerated descriptions are relatively easy to avoid. For example, instead of "this product is the easiest for consumers to use," you could write, "this product is designed to be easy to use."

The Important Steps: Checklist For Writing A Press Release

The press release consists of several parts. Use the checklist below to make sure you use the proper structure, tone, and style. If the press release is written correctly, it can serve as a good example.

Tone And Style For Press Releases

Written in a professional tone
Be impartial
Avoid double meaning
Provide good quotes and statistics
Avoid references to competitors

Target Group

Have you identified a target group for your press release and their interests?

Added Value / News Value

Does your press release have a concrete added value for your target group?
Does your press release have news value for journalists?


Are the 6 W-questions answered?
Do you have a concise headline that is appropriate for your target group?
Is your text clear, and is the content easy to grasp?
Is your press release no longer than 3,000-5,000 characters?
Have you included high-quality images and other media?
Do you have the boilerplate with the crucial details about your company?

Conclusion - Recapitulate Everything:

Word "press release" mentioned? Is the headline concise?
W-questions at the beginning?
Additional information at the end?
Contact person named?
With contact details?
Is picture material available?

If you have written the perfect press release, check out our press release distribution list here. General tips for press relations can be found here. We have compiled a guide for creating an entire press kit here.

However, if you don't have much time, can't find topics, or would like to have your press release written, get our professional support. PRnob is not only a powerful PR distribution solution but also offers you editorial help and advice. Our editorial support helps you find topics and write the press releases that help journalists gets attracted to you and to your business.