When Traumatization Turns into an Understanding Helpful Hand

If you or a loved one has been involved in an automobile and/or other motorized vehicle accident, in the state of Arizona, you may be in need of finding medical care.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an automobile and/or other motorized vehicle accident, in the state of Arizona, you may be in need of finding medical care. The Accident Medical Intervention Group (AMIG) understands this urgent need, and has been in the fight for proper medical care and court case settlements for well over 60 years. If you reside in the Arizona state area, you should consider yourself very fortunate. The trained and dedicated staff at The Accident Medical Intervention Group makes it easier for you, the victim of an unfortunate circumstance, to receive specialized medical care, without the long waits, and deliberating hassles of personally seeking out specialists with the need to first arrange referrals. Consider them your “guardian angels” of sorts, in which they cut out any additional need to strain you, your family, or loved ones in a time when you need to place great attention on the recuperation process. Need more reasons to contact The Accident Medical Intervention Group?

If you visit their website at www.accidentphysicians.com, you will find a treasure trove of information explaining why your need for their services is of an imminent nature. They pride themselves with delivering their injured clients with medical appointments within 24 hours of contact. Furthermore, the staff strives to build the best in quality relationships between the clients, the medical professionals, and court system. So much so, that an assign Case Manager helps overlook each case every step of the way. And, that is not all. They are even able to provide attorneys for those in need. But, do not just take this at a face value, if you log onto the www.accidentphysicians.com website right now, you will be able to access the testimonials from those injured who have been served. You will also be able to find a sample list of professional medical care, including, but not limited to, Neurosurgery, Cardiology, Imaging, Primary Care Doctors, and Psychology. It is important to stress, that your sustained injuries may not only be of an outward appearance, but of an inward emotional and psychological toil as well. They understand this, and have made it imperative for staff to help recognize these characteristics in the injured client’s traumatic experience. If any of this sounds familiar, please be sure to visit The Accident Medical Intervention Group’s website at www.accidentphysicians.com and thank you for your cooperation.

About Section

The Accident Medical Intervention Group (AMIG) is a limited liability company that offers individuals who have been injured in automobile and other motorized vehicle accidents the availability of obtaining proper medical care, at low to no cost in the surrounding Arizona area. Their goal is for the victims of sustained automobile injury, to not only get the health care needed, but, to work with the health care providers, and court system, in creating a case for the filing of a settlement. The Accident Medical Intervention Group is accessible for you and your loved ones assistance by visiting their website at www.accidentphysicians.com for further information.

AMIG-Accident Medical Intervention Group
32624 North 16th Glen
Phoenix, Arizona 85085
Phone: 623-261-5419
Fax: 623-337-5678


About Accident Medical Intervention Group

When you are involved in an auto or motorcycle accident, any number of injuries may be occurred. You may suffer from physical injuries such as broken teeth, fractures, lacerations, headaches or soft tissue injuries such as ligament and tendon tears.

Contact Information

Accident Medical Intervention Group

32624 North 16th Glen
Phoenix, Arizona
Phone : 623-261-5419
View website

Published in

Health ,

Published on

Sep 16, 2014
