Walk with Bernie Sanders in a Pair of Bernie Sandals

You can fly (coach) with Bernie Sanders, now, a company in upstate New York has made it possible to walk with Bernie. Bernie Sandals for Bernie Sanders supporters.

Just when you thought you’d seen it all in the 2016 election cycle.


First it was Birdie Sanders, the now famous bird who perched a front row seat as the Vermont Senator spoke to a crowd of thousands in Portland, Oregon.


Last month, we saw Bernie action figures take the nation by storm.


Now, a small business based in Upstate New York, The Print Complex, has devised a way for supporters of Bernie Sanders to become mobile marketers for the Presidential hopeful.


Bernie Sandals are 100% USA Manufactured and Printed sandals for those who favor fair trade, equal rights for all, reforming Wall Street and finance laws, taking corrupt corporate and special interest money out of politics, and overall world peace!


Sandals for Bernie Sanders supporters.


“The idea was to come up with something creative that would increase exposure and get his name out there to more people. We think it’s also important to have some fun in the political process” co-owner, Brian Batrowny said.


They are manufactured outside of Atlanta, Georgia using a recycled microplast material and printed in house.


According to Batrowny, “It was never an option to make Bernie Sandals anywhere but here. 100% made in the USA,” he said.


Colors available currently are Red and Blue.  


Additionally, during the Kickstarter campaign the company is offering BerniePAC’s and Make Donald Drumpf Again T-Shirts (made overseas like the rest of Trump products) for project backers at specified levels.


The BerniePAC is billed as ‘the preferred storage accessory for the 99%.’ Since Bernie is not beholden to any special interest group and does not have a SuperPAC-- we thought he could at least use a BerniePAC, according to the site.  


The company said they "absolutely did not" have plans to spend any resources; time, capital or otherwise on developing similar items for other Preisdential candidates.


The sandal release seems to be just in time as the weather breaks and more importantly, a possible showdown at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.


You can ‘Walk with Bernie’ and grab a pair of Bernie Sandals by visiting the company’s kickstarter page.

About Bernie Sandals

Bernie Sandals - 100% USA manufactured and printed Sandals for Bernie Sanders supporters / berners / berniecrats . Walk with Bernie Sanders in a pair of Bernie Sandals.

Contact Information

Bernie Sandals

2200 dallas street
United States
Phone : 6075429075
View website

Published in

Politics ,

Published on

Apr 12, 2016
