TTN Fleet Solutions Partners With Decisiv

The partnership between two roadside services giants will allow their platforms to interact and share data seamlessly through an API.

Pleasanton, CA, 02/16/2015: As a premier Service Relationship Management (SRM) solution provider company, Decisiv has publicly announced its partnership with TTN Fleet Solutions. The incorporation will allow Decisiv fleet clients to plan and control roadside service actions through the TTN breakdown and towing solution. The important thing about the partnership is the new mobile phone app, which will be developed to help clients make track, plan, and control roadside service through their mobile phone.

“For our mutual clients and TTN customers that love to use Decisiv SRM technology, this combination improves the current communications facilities of both platforms,” said Jeff St. Pierre, President of TTN Fleet Solutions. “Our high value road repair and towing services harmonizes and expands Decisiv's current service provider and fleet relationships.”

TTN Fleet Solutions, with its 24/7 call center are well equipped with trucking, towing, maintenance, and customer service professionals, offers services to towing, breakdown, and recovery and emergency needs of small and large motor transporters. According to company’s number, its network comprises 85,000 contributors across the U.S. and Canada. Clients also love TTN Fleet Solutions priority service at the affordable rates.

The most important thing about the deal between two companies is the Application Programming Interface (API), which will permit the platforms to act together and share data seamlessly. The integration is also bi-directional, so a work order created by either Decisiv or TTN updates cases on both platforms.

“We are thrilled to enlarge our Decisiv Network Alliance with our partnership with TTN Fleet Solutions,” said Dick Hyatt, CEO of Decisiv. “With the inclusion of major tow and roadside assistance providers across the U.S. and Canada, our fleet clients have the widest connected ecosystem in North America to track, manage and measure their breakdown and maintenance service actions in real-time.”

For further information about the API, please visit either company’s official website.

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Published on

Feb 16, 2015
