nuTonomy to Test World's First Fully Autonomous Taxi Service

Urban transport is moving forward in one of the world's most progressive nations, Singapore! This really isn't a surprise, as Singapore is known for its commitment to progress via technology.

Urban transport is moving forward in one of the world's most progressive nations, Singapore! This really isn't a surprise, as Singapore is known for its commitment to progress via technology. With this in mind, a Singapore company, nuTonomy, will be testing the globe's very first totally autonomous taxi system within Singapore. Singapore is a city-state which is an island and it's an ideal place to check out a whole new approach to getting from Point A to Point B. This new testing program will run for two years and it starts in 2017.

Automated driving is one of the key innovations that nuTonomy is exploring. As well, its services are focused on connection and a host of analytic processes which happen off-board and off-vehicle. nuTonomy was formed a few years ago and it utilises technology which was developed at MIT.

Autonomy is a big trend in the automotive world. However, no one is quite sure when it's going to be used on a high level for personal mobility. The higher level would mean that drivers don't really have to be aware of what's happening in order to get where they need to go. They won't need to pay attention as they normally would, as their vehicles will be computerised in order to provide driverless features.

The concept of autonomy which nuTonomy is testing in Singapore is all about giving people the chance to relax, instead of focusing on braking, parking and highway driving. If the system is adopted, customers will call for taxis which are self-driving and then give the taxi a destination. At this point, the car will do all of the work, without a driver.

Naturally, safety will be a key component of any successful autonomous taxi service in Singapore. This is why extensive testing will be needed. Driverless technology makes a lot of people nervous and it's safe to say that nuTonomy will need to prove that its system is safe before people feel comfortable using it. However, Singapore's government visionaries always look to the future and this means that they are willing to give nuTonomy a shot. They realise that driverless technology is the wave of the future and they support its safe and careful development.

If things pan out and the system is proven safe, people in Singapore may be able to enjoy a more relaxing travel experience within the city. They will be alone as they travel, so they won't need to chat with drivers. They may collect their thoughts and relax, knowing that cars which are guided by sophisticated computer systems will get them where they are going.

Testing Will Be Extensive

Testing will last for two years, so the team at nuTonomy will have plenty of time to look at every detail and work out any bugs. While there are no guarantees, it's possible that this form of technology will herald a new sort of taxi system in this city-state. If so, it may not be the only place which embraces autonomous taxi services.

About the Author

Morris Edwards is a content writer at, he writes different topics like The Most Innovative Economy In Asia: Singapore , How Startups Like Uber Raise Billions, Driverless Cars will be a reality within 10 years in Singapore and all topics related to Company Registration.

Morris Edwards
Singapore Company Incorporation Consultants Pte Ltd
Telephone: +65 66531211
Address: 10 Anson Road International Plaza #27-15, Singapore 079903
E-mail: [email protected]

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Published in

Business ,

Published on

Oct 03, 2016
