Pawleys Island, SC: announces the launch of its socially conscious lending solution and marketplace that gives families high quality kids clothes.
24, October 2016: Pawleys Island, SC: announces the launch of its Socially Conscious Lending solution and marketplace that gives families high quality kids clothes at low cost without having to have a credit card.
The Payzely Charge allows parents to open an account instantly with a valid bank account and get 3 X the buying power to shop.For example, deposit $50 in your account and get $150 worth of credit to shop immediately. The Payzely Charge account will then divide the remaining dollar amount over the next 12 months at a very low interest rate. Add more funds, get more credit. Keep your payments up to date and this will increase your credit rating over time.
Buyers at scour the globe for on-trend, fashionable children’s clothes for the U.S. market. New products arrive regularlysuch as blazers, knitwear and accessories.
The Payzely website does not have conventical sizing, like most online retailers. It is driven bymeasurements, simply place your child’s waist sizeand Payzely can show you all the items that will fit.
Payzely is taking a new look at E commerce retail and combining easy lending for today’s families.
For Media Contact:
Josh Ricker
[email protected]
Pawleys Island, SC: announces the launch of its socially conscious lending solution and marketplace that gives families high quality kids clothes.
Business ,
Oct 24, 2016