This will include fuel used and you can download the data to any computer with an optional USB port.
Here goes the riddle for them into avionics: What goes 24 different ways and reads 4 times a second? Hints: 24 is the number of engine parameters; 4 is data re-check.
JPI's Accurate Electronic Data Management Systems for the Aircrafts or EDM are bar-graph Aircraft Flight Instruments that have met the harsh environmental standards of FAA, TSO. The JPI's Accurate Electronic Data Management Systems for the Aircrafts run a 3-year warranty and is a bright example of what latest microprocessor technology can do to the EDM! Besides, it frees you from the burden of field adjustments and calibration and also of ICA.
A credible and accurate Engine Data Management system must offer an accurate piston-engine monitoring using advanced technology, methods and materials and so far, the Engine Data Management 800 system has been considered the best in the market. It has been designed to monitor twenty-four critical parameters while the engine runs and the data upgrades four times a second. The riddle is solved.
The EDM 800, JPI's Accurate Electronic Data Management Systems for the Aircrafts, if simplified, is a personal flight engineer who’s always there as a background support, always on the watch over the engine while you concentrate fully on flying. The EDM 800 has some extra features (fuel-flow, for example) than the previous EDM 700. The fuel-flow control helps in automatic leaning. It’s a quick process run by LeanFind™. The RPM, Manifold pressure with EGT Gauge and Outside Air Temp with probe are also present. These probes respond to every temperature change due to their fine tip and space age metal construction. The EDM 800 thus becomes a primary replacement for CHT, OIL temperature and Turbine Inlet Temperature. The EDM 800 displays temperature digitally and in an analogue format for cylinders and also for the turbo-charger. For the latter, you’ll need to install a TIT probe adjacent to the TC.
A substantial amount of diagnostic information available in a timely, usable manner is a lot of help to avoid unnecessary worries while in the air. You may keep logs of all functions for 25 hours (@4 upgrades/sec) or 550 hours (@ 1 upgrade every minute). The total range spans from 2 to 255 seconds. This will include fuel used and you can download the data to any computer with an optional USB port.
How do you know it’s not just for show? Because it doesn’t stop at the GPH and leaves you hanging for a second instrument to read the rest! It accurately calculates OAT, RPM, MAP and Fuel Flow, which is most effective for a LOP-Complete fuel flow system. It is true data recording that works both under ROP and LOP Mode. True LOP is where you can see each cylinder going lean.
J.P.Instruments was founded in 1986 in Huntington Beach, California, USA. J.P. Instruments is leader in aircraft engine data management systems and has added a whole line of reliable and cost effective aircraft instrumentation to its name.
Oct 03, 2016