“Avengers: Age of Ultron” is a highly-anticipated film. Did you enjoy it? Maybe you are talking it with your friends now. The Thor hammer gives people power and peace.
“Avengers: Age of Ultron” is a highly-anticipated film. Did you enjoy it? Maybe you are talking it with your friends now. The Thor hammer gives people power and peace.
Every guy has a dream of being a hero. As a lover of design, do you want to know how to quickly design the Thor hammer with ZW3D, as shown in Figure 1.Today, let’s design it together.
Figure 1: Hammer of Thor
Customer cases:http://www.zwsoft.com/zw3d/customer/
Setp1: Insert the sketch1 on XZ plane, as shown in the Figure 2(the left one). Extrude the sketch from -190mm to 190mm, see Figure 2(right).
Figure 2: Create the first base
Step2: Extrude the side face from 0 to 63mm with 26 draft angle and -5 shrink offset, see Figure 3.
Figure 3: Extrude the side face
Step3: Make a pocket on the incline. With the side face to do extrude-cut operation; the shrink offset value is -4mm; see Figure 4(right). Do the same operation on the other 3 faces.
Figure 4: Extrude face cut
Step4: Insert the sketch on YZ plane, draw the pattern sketch; see Figure 5. You can draw any pattern as you like.
Figure 5: Pattern sketch
Step5: Extrude the pattern sketch from -80 to the top side face; see Figure 6.
Figure 6: Pattern design
Setp6: Pattern the pattern shape created in step5; see Figure 7(left). Combine all shapes together exclude the main shape; see Figure 7(right).
Figure 7: Combine shapes
Step7: Mirror the pattern shape with XZ plane.
Figure 8: Mirror the pattern shape
Step8: Create a sketch on YZ plane, figure 9 (left). Then do extrude-cut operation with 2mm cut thickness.
Figure 9: Extrude cut on side faces
Step9: Draw another sketch on YZ datum, figure 10 (left). And then do extrude cut operation from -90mm to 90mm on bottom face of main shape, as shown in the figure 10 (right).
Figure 10: Extrude cut on bottom face
Step10: Pick the face to do extrude-cut on the incline; see figure11.The cut length is 50mm.
Figure 11: Extrude cut on incline
Step11: Add the cylinder (R=65, H=10) on center point of top face; see figure12 (right).
Step12: Draw the sketch on XZ datum, as shown in figure12 (left).And then do revolve operation. The result is shown in figure12 (right).
Figure 12: Handle of hammer
Step13: Draw the following sketch on YZ datum, then project the curve to revolved face; see figure13.
Figure 13: Project curve to face
Step14: Concatenate 3D curves together, then swept the rod along the curve. The diameter is 12mm.
Step15: Pattern this rod shape, and then make a Boolean subtraction operation. At last, add the fillet(R=3.5mm); see figure14 (right).
Figure 14: Pattern and Boolean operation
Step16: Use “Ready Sketch Text” command to create a sketch text. Then extrude sketch to get the text logo; see figure 15.
Figure 15: Text logo
ZW3D Standard:http://www.zwsoft.com/zw3d/versions/standard/
Step17: With KeyShot to make a rendering!
With basic functions, (Sketch, Project curve, Extrude, Revolve, Rod, Pattern, Boolean operation…), we can easily finish this hammer design. Combine the KeyShot software, you can show much attractive rendering image. ZW3D is all-in-one CAD/CAM software. Besides design, more work can be done.
view more:http://www.encee.de/cgi-bin/view/Main/ZWCAD
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Sep 23, 2015