Floormat.com Expands Its Matting Catalog With Pest Control Products

Floormat.com, a mat manufacturer and vendor based in Ohio, has decided to extend its business operations to include pest control solutions.

Floormat.com is a highly reputed matting company that manufactures and distributes its own matting products. The company also distributes a huge variety of matting products from other renowned matting companies. Regarded as the one-stop shop for matting customers, the company has decided to extend its operations to the pest control market.

Floormat.com has decided to expand its business portfolio with a new line of pest control products. The renowned Ohio-based matting company has introduced its own line of pest control products and is also vending some others from established manufacturers. As it seeks to establish itself in the new market, Floormat.com has partnered with several reputable companies in the pest control industry. Currently, the company is vending the following pest control brands on its website: BirdXPeller, BirdShield, Nature's Defense, RejeX-it, and Goose Chase among others.

BirdShield, a biodegradable bird repellent that is applied as a clear solution, produces an irritating smell that harmlessly discourages nuisance birds like sparrows, starlings, pigeons and gulls from nesting or roosting in unwanted areas. Likewise, RejeX-it and GooseChase are two nontoxic products, which harmlessly repel unwanted birds, such as geese, ducks, and seagulls, by making their current dwellings uninhabitable. BirdXPeller PRO is an electric powered, programmable species-specific sonic bird repellent that replicates birds' distress calls to scare them away.

Floormat.com is also distributing Nature's Defense All-Purpose Animal Repellent, which effectively gets rid of 22 different pest species. It is in the form of 100% organic granules, which are safe to sprinkle around children, pets, plants, and food crops. The company is also offering a realistic, life-sized 3D Coyote Decoy, which scares birds by appearing as a natural predator. As the company continues to delve deeper into the new market, more products are expected.

After dealing in matting products for over 60 years, Floormat.com has decided to extend its business reach to the lucrative pest control market. Expecting to face formidable rivals in the new market, Floormat.com has come up with an ingenious marketing ploy. The company aims to enhance its industry appeal through market differentiation. As indicated above, the company has decided to focus on nontoxic, organic or eco-friendly pest control products only. Considering the hype that is currently surrounding green products, this strategy might work in the company's favor. As the consumer appeal for organic products continues to soar, the company could end up in a favorable market position due to its progressive product positioning strategy, especially if it adopts aggressive marketing tactics. More information about the company's eco-friendly pest control products can be found at http://www.floormat.com/pest/index.html

Founded over 60 years ago in Ohio, Floormat.com has enjoyed tremendous growth over the years. Currently, the company is ranked among the topmost matting companies in the country. The company's credits its impressive performance to its innovative business approach. Within its six decades of existence, Floormat.com has risen from the position of a mere matting distributor to become a renowned leader in the entire matting industry. Nowadays, the company manufactures and distributes the following mats: heated mats for indoor and outdoor use, indoor-outdoor entrance mats, industrial mats, logo mats, and many other safety and matting materials.

Address: 101 Progressive Drive, Etna, Ohio 43062
Phone: 800-876-1312
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.floormat.com

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Published in

Business ,

Published on

Oct 28, 2016
