Everything that You Should Know about Print Management Services

Most of the big companies are nowadays hiring or outsourcing professional print management service providers. These services save up to 30% of company’s annual cost.

Managing prints is all about gaining visibility and control of printing. It is a fact that 1-3% of company’s annual revenues are consumed by document production. To make the matter worse, these expenses are growing in many organisations. Today’s economy drives the organizations to reduce costs. The challenge is to either reduce the headcount or overhead expenses. These strategies can have negative impact on productivity or morale. Office printing is the area that can provide expense control and enhance productivity.

Documents drive important business processes. A print management services allows you to control these expenses by outsourcing the management of fleet of printers. There are many opportunities for improvement in this regards. The organization should first of all calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO). This calculation provides a baseline and current situation for the improvement. The strategies can then be compared with this benchmark to assess the effectiveness.

On contrary to all this when you hire the print management services on a professional level, it helps to manage expenses, minimize carbon footprints, boost productivity, free up the IT resources, etc. All this can be achieved by opting for print management services. Most of the big companies are nowadays hiring or outsourcing professional print management service providers. These services save up to 30% of company’s annual cost. A good managed service provider seamlessly manages the print infrastructure while the company concentrates on the real business. You can make pioneering and effectual brand marketing and promotional branding; exceptional to your individual brand. Let a perfect provider that special promotional products branded that will bond you to your consumers, something unique and new that keeps your brand linked to users.

Depending upon the requirement a best print management service provider analyze the current printing infrastructure, monitor, manage and optimizes total print output, provide a roadmap to reduce number and types of printers while meeting all the needs, identifies and solve printing problems, consumes less paper and energy, generates less greenhouse gases and keep wastes in control. They ensure secured data and printing access, works continuously on process improvements, turn slow processes which are paper based into automated digital processes. Hence print management services make it easy to control the documents and keep the data secured. It achieves better alignment of IT with the business. If you hire separate in-charge in the company to control prints you will have to deal with investing a huge amount of money on manpower. With single invoice, these services are best to optimize cost on printing. The company can get back to more strategic priorities that add value to the business instead of being engaged in printing or investing time in repairing of printers with a good MPS provider.

Waivestar group along with all of its business alliances is dedicated towards helping the business owners develop a better relationship and communication channels with its customers for the overall growth of the business. To know more, give us a call at 03-9487-2100 and our friendly staff will be glad to answer your queries.


About WaiveStar Group

Waivestar group along with all of its business alliances is dedicated towards helping the business owners develop a better relationship and communication channels with its customers for the overall growth of the business.

Contact Information

WaiveStar Group

78-82 Chifley Drive
Preston VIC 3072
Phone : 03 9487 2100
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Published in

Business ,

Published on

Oct 16, 2015
