The auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa was marked by a medical triumph for doctors at the Deccan Unit of Sahyadri Hospitals, as the medical team carried out a critical delivery on a 24 years old woman successfully
Doctors at Sahyadri Hospitals - save mother and baby in critical case.Would be mother suffered from bilateral pneumonia and was on ventilator.Both mother and baby girl doing well, despite the baby coming early.
The auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa was marked by a medical triumph for doctors at the Deccan Unit of Sahyadri Hospitals, as the medical team carried out a critical delivery on a 24 years old woman successfully. The patient delivered a pre term baby despite being on ventilator.
The expectant mother, before being admitted to Sahyadri was treated for high fever, respiratory distress, high heart rate, low oxygen saturation and weakness. Her condition became critical when the treatment failed to make an impact.
On being referred to the Sahyadri Bibwewadi unit, she was detected with severe bilateral pneumonia, and was transferred to its Deccan Unit for the best possible care. The patient was 32 weeks pregnant at the time of admission.
Subsequent tests for Swine Flu came out negative, but consistent low blood pressure and pneumonia, coupled with her pregnancy made things difficult for both the medical staff and patient. Apart from this, she was unable to eat, talk or move around. She was put on antibiotics, assistant ventilations and heavy sedation before delivery.
The major challenge in front of the Deccan Unit doctors was to prevent her medical condition from getting worse as initially she did not respond to the treatment as expected. She was in such a condition for 8 days before showing signs of improvement.
After the initial phase of the treatment, however, she started showing some signs of recovery and around the same time started having labor pains. She was monitored by expert Intensivist and Gynecologist throughout.
She delivered a baby girl in spite of being on the assistant ventilator, sedation and immobile conditions.
The medical staff is now happy to report that she is recovering and responding to medications better than before. She is out of ventilator, and can summon up mobility with some support. The baby girl is doing quite well, though she was born a little before her due date. The delivery was normal and at the same time precious too as the patient has one ectopic pregnancy.
Expressing his gratitude and appreciation of the doctors attending his wife and child, her husband said: “I am very thankful to the Sahyadri hospitals for the care they showed. The entire critical care unit and whole team of Sahyadri Hospital have given their best to save my wife and daughter.”
Meanwhile, the concerned authorities at Sahyadri said: “Our doctors are attentive and committed to the patients. Thanks to their persistence and positivity, both mother and baby are safe. This difficult case simply reiterates our commitment to professional and humane medical care.”
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Apr 02, 2015