Banana Overall Health Benefits

From treating dry skin and dull hair to reducing your unfortunate the urge to eat and burning fat, bananas does it all.

From treating dry skin and dull hair to reducing your unfortunate the urge to eat and burning fat, bananas does it all. It is one of the most flexible fruits, which is packed with nutritional value that is essential for our body. Besides this, bananas are used for many home made beauty treatments as well. Therefore, take a look at some amazing health advantages of this amazing fruit.

Keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated

Banana contains Vitamin B6, C and a significant number of water, which feeds and hydrates the skin. These nutrients also help to maintain the flexibility of your skin. So, add bananas in what you eat.

If you are looking for quick solution to moisturize your dry skin, just apply pulp of fresh banana on your face. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and before washing it off with warm water.

Say goodbye to ageing

Bananas defend the body against the harm reason by free oxygen radicals, which can accelerate the procedure of aging. Therefore you can also use a banana peel to get rid of wrinkles.

All you need to do is, apply fresh peel on your face for about 15 minutes every day to get the obtain the most out of it. You can also create a banana face pack by mash 50% a banana and adding a teaspoon. Of rose water to it keep it on your face for about 30 minutes and clean it off with water.

Foot care

Due to their moisturizing properties, bananas are great for your cracked heels as well. Just mash 2 bananas into a pulp, apply it on you for about 10 minutes before washing it off with water. Follow to this treatment consistently and you will become smooth and soft.

Get rid of puffy eyes

Bananas are a wealthy source of potassium, which can help to decrease the puffiness of your eyes immediately. You need to mash 50% apply and banana it on your eyes for about 15 minutes. If you discover this to be too messy, then just place bananas peels on your inflamed eyes. All these solutions will help you to get rid of your swollen eyes.

Treating skin problems

Bananas are very efficient for treating acne and pimples. You need to take a small piece of the peel and rub it carefully on the impressed area. Do this till the peel turns brown. Then clean the area with some water. Follow this simple schedule three times a day to get rid of those pimples.

Get smooth skin and silky hair

Bananas are wealthy source of natural oils, carbohydrate food, potassium and vitamins. These nutritional values keep your locks healthier and sleek. They also feed them, and avoid breakage and divided finishes.

All you need to do is mash bananas and add a little almond oil to it. Implement it on your locks, keep it on for about 15 minutes and then clean it off. Your locks will be revitalized and moisturized by the vitamin C and A existing in bananas.

Improves your mood

Bananas contain tryptophan, which is a kind of proteins. These help your whole body to generate this, a hormonal that is known for its soothing and mood-enhancing qualities. That is why bananas are good for those who are affected by depressive disorders.

Fat burning food

Bananas are a filling fruits, which is why they help to control your regrettable the desire to eat. Moreover they are complete of natural sugars, which can offer you with immediate power. Therefore, get a banana so when you desire for food at odd time.

Low cholesterol and blood pressure

As said before, bananas are a wealthy source of potassium, as much as magnesium and calcium. These nutrients help to keep your blood pressure under check. Moreover, pectin, a fibre which helps cholesterol is found abundantly in bananas. Therefore add them to your diet to soak in their wholesome goodness.

Stronger bones

Bananas contain probiotic bacteria, which allow the absorption of calcium in body, thus strengthening your bones. Moreover, the potassium in bananas allows preventing calcium loss from your body. This lowers your risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.

Improves digestion

Bananas contain fructooligosaccharide, which allows activating growth of good bacteria in the abdomen, particularly the colon. It also generates enzymes that help to improve the overall digestive function.

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Published in

Health ,

Published on

Sep 12, 2014
