Ahealthy Life Starts From Airwheel Personal Transportation Electric Skateboards

The attitude technology is the base of offering the user an opportunity to work out. Each time the rider knocks off and steers Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter home.

30, June 2016: Of course, he still can brake Airwheel electric scooter by standing upright on Airwheel electric scooter. The attitude technology is the base of offering the user an opportunity to work out. Each time the rider knocks off and steers Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter home. During the ride, the user builds up his body and relaxes his pent-up mind.

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For the young people, the issue of health takes on increasing importance. They suffer from the pressure that is different from the previous one. On workdays, they have to spend many hours before PC. What’s worse, they are limited in a cubicle with a scant room to get about. The lacking of regular moving is easy to cause some healthy diseases. It should have been a help for them to do exercises after work. However, some of them have to do overtime. Therefore their situation is going from bad to worse. But Airwheel electric self-balancing scooter came as a blessing to them and is to change the situation.


Airwheel electric self-balancing scooter adopts the attitude technology. When a rider wants to go forward on Airwheel electric scooter, he merely needs to lean his body forward. If he intends to fall back, he could choose to lean his body back. Of course, he still can brake Airwheel electric scooter by standing upright on Airwheel electric scooter. The attitude technology is the base of offering the user an opportunity to work out. Each time the rider knocks off and steers Airwheel intelligent electric self-balancing scooter home. During the ride, the user builds up his body and relaxes his pent-up mind.


From its energy, Airwheel also makes a great contribution to the society and at the same time it helps keep the city clean and eco-friendly. Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter uses the electricity which is a kind of green energy and produces no carbon dioxide and monoxide into the air.


The green and fresh air gives the city dwellers an eco-friendly environment. In this environment, the people will breathe the fresh air and keep in shape. With the fresh air, we will become more energetic and full of passion for life and work. Airwheel electric scooter is a help for us and the social respect.

For Media Contact:
Company: Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd
Contact Person: Eric
Phone: +8618651968700
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.airwheel.net

About Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd

The attitude technology is the base of offering the user an opportunity to work out. Each time the rider knocks off and steers Airwheel intelligent self-balancing scooter home.

Contact Information

Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd

14th ave road
Phone : +8618651968700
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Published in

Travel ,

Published on

Jun 30, 2016
