Did you know that even underinflated tires can cause inaccurate readings on a taxi meter? The Sayo Taxi Supply Company helps maintain meter-integrity by installing, calibrating and repairing all taxi electronics including taxi meters, radios, and GPSs.
Press Release, PRnob.com, Minneapolis, Minnesota (prnob) August 24, 2015 - Ironically, a large numbers of inaccurate meter readings found during random inspections are a result of accidental malfunctions due to improper repair or calibration. The Sayo Taxi Supply Company minimizes these errors by offering to install, calibrate and repair taxi meters sold through them. The Company supplies the popular Pulsar taxi meter range including the latest Pulsar 2030 range.
"Accidental malfunctioning due to improper repairs isn't uncommon. Taxi meters have to be calibrated properly to prevent faulty readings. At Sayo Taxi Supply Company, we don't just supply the latest taxi electronics, but ensure that these are installed and monitored for accuracy. Bring your taxi meter for an assessment if you suspect a malfunction- we'll see if it's an electrical issue that can be resolved through repair instead of a replacement. We also recommend the latest products to help taxi owners stay honest with their customers," says a spokesperson for the company.
The company's extensive range of taxi meters includes the Pulsar 2030 with a bright display and some easy to use features. Besides normal meter activity reading, the Pulsar 2030 also includes additional buttons for printing and calculating 'Extras'. "The system is sophisticated, yet easy to use. For example, if you've chosen a meter with a printer, the meter will not work until it has paper. It also adjusts time automatically in Spring or Fall," adds the spokesperson.
Besides taxi meters, the company supplies, services, and repairs a whole range of taxi accessories including those needed for white top taxi. They also prepare custom-made ads for the top light and supply state of the art taxi cams.
About Sayo Taxi Supply Company:
The Sayo Taxi Supply Company supplies and services a wide range of taxi accessories including taxi meters, top lights and ads, two way radios, taxi cams, GPS and mobile data computers.
To know more details about pulsar 2030, visit, https://www.sayotaxisupply.com/pulsar2030-taximeter.html
Contact Details :
Sayo Taxi Supply
3246 N 2nd St, Suite 1
Minneapolis, MN 55412
Tel: 612-529-9299
Email: [email protected]
Website URL : https://www.sayotaxisupply.com
The Sayo Taxi Supply Company supplies and services a wide range of taxi accessories including taxi meters, top lights and ads, two way radios, taxi cams, GPS and mobile data computers. For more visit sayotaxisupply.com
Business ,
Aug 24, 2015