The human mind can behave very weirdly many a time. One such example is of people who get a tattoo imprinted on their bodies. It is done with much fanfare sometimes. In many cases it is the spur of the moment decision which turns out to be a regret l
The human mind can behave very weirdly many a time. One such example is of people who get a tattoo imprinted on their bodies. It is done with much fanfare sometimes. In many cases it is the spur of the moment decision which turns out to be a regret later on. The tattoos are of two types the permanent ones and the temporary ones. Those who have the latter kind are in no trouble but the former ones are hard to remove as they remain on the skin as a permanent mark.
The tattoos are affixed as a sign of memory of some loved ones usually by the youth. When there is a break up or the relationship falls apart the sight of the tattoo gives painful memories rather than ecstatic ones. Hence removal becomes imperative.
The person has to now undergo a lot of physical pain in order to get mental peace and relief. Of course the imprinting of the tattoo would have been painful but not as much as that for the removal process. The latest method adopted for Tattoo removal the Woodlands is by using the laser beam. Different wavelengths of laser beams need to be used for different collared ink on the tattoo.
The application of the beam is done only for a few seconds and the ink particles will disintegrate and then will slowly disappear from the skin. All this cannot be done at one sitting. Various sessions are needed for the Tattoo laser removal the Woodlands. What was done in one sitting will be now undone in several sittings and at a much higher cost too and much more pain will have to borne. The number of these sessions vary from 4-6 weeks for smaller and simpler tattoos to about 10-12 weeks for the bigger ones.
Using the laser method is advantageous over other methods of tattoo removal. The laser beam is focused on the design itself and care is taken to not focus in and around its surrounding areas. It is painful but not as much as the other methods where the skin and the surrounding areas too bear the brunt of the tattoo removal materials most of which are acidic in nature. The skin may get burns and abrasions because of this. Over and above this it is not so effective in removing the tattoo. A faded version of it still persists on the skin even after application of the removing cream or balm for several months.
In one of the methods the upper layer of the skin is removed and the tattoo which in an inner layer is treated with some creams and the like. Or it is rubbed very harshly for the ink to be rubbed off. This causes a lot of pain in the whole area. To overcome such difficulties laser technique was evolved and this is much simpler and more effective in the sense even a small trace of the tattoo does not remain in most of the cases which is really commendable.
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Oct 29, 2014