TechyTeam specialise in selling cheap refurbished laptops and computers

TechyTeam's speciality is selling cheap laptops and refurbished computers to customers with legacy IT requirements

Have you ever found it a real pain to find some legacy IT computer equipment to solve your needs? Now, by using TechyTeam ( ) – an online store specialising in the entire range of legacy laptops and computers from top manufacturers like HP, Compaq, IBM and Dell – they even hold stock of Windows 98 laptops and computers.

Padraig MacCormack, e-commerce manager at TechyTeam, says: “Customers are pretty much looking for a needle in a haystack when searching for reliable laptops and computers to run legacy software on the internet. With this in mind, we’ve put together a comprehensive database of IT products on a simple and accessible website where people can identify the specific refurbished laptop or computer they require. Its never easy configuring older software to run on newer hardware but we take that stress out of equation and sell every refurbished computer or laptop ready to use straight from the box.”

TechyTeam sells products dating back twenty years or more, meaning users of older PCs, computers and laptops can identify what they need. Customers can search by product name, model number, key word, and category or part type.
Mr MacCormack continues: “Because of rapid changes in software technology, many of the older legacy programs will not run on newer modern operating systems. We have customers ranging from baggage handling companies working in airports that require classic style computers to control their machinery to the end consumer that simply wishes to play some classic DOS games from their youth.”.

Notes for editors is a division of TechyTeam Limited. Established in 2004 in the United Kingdom, TechyTeam is based in a state of the art office and warehouse facility in the centre of the country.

Contact address of Techy Team :

Company name: Techy Team

Company Address: St Helenas Terrace

dUNDALK , bt342bh

Phone address: 08712883261


About TechyTeam

Padraig MacCormack, director TechyTeam Tel: 0871 288 3261 Email: [email protected] Site:

Contact Information


St Helenas Terrace
Phone : 08712883261
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Published in

Computers ,

Published on

Jan 13, 2015
