Need to buy online some wedding rings or a couple of white gold pearl earrings?

Finally launched the new e-commerce by the Italian shop Oro & Diamanti, landed at internet with the name of Jewellery Italian Style.

Why this choice? Because nowadays every shop should have a website to reach always new customers  and be known worldwide. It’s even better if  this website is an e-commerce, that gives the costumer the possibility to buy online, which is provided with contacts easy to find and all the technical infos about the products  offered by the company in question. Maybe these sentences could sound like commonplaces, but they are not, simply because there are still many shops that don’t consider the online perspective or don’t know the potentiality of creating a good working e-commerce.

This is the reason why  Jewellery Italian Style was born.  As it’s deducible from the name, it’s a real online jewellery and it keeps up the honour of Italian wedding rings, riviere style and diamond rings; it has other high quality stuff like white gold pearl earrings or bracelets too. Fabio Bolzon, the owner of the shop, wanted to match a researched style of products with a structured digital shop to be user respectful  and trusty.

Indeed  this e-commerce  has everything  you need to buy your ring, necklace or what else, as if you were guided by a sales clerk: firstly, it has a technical file related to every  product and then a more generic file with all the scientific infos about its belonging category ; then, if logged in, everyone can leave a comment or review a product, and this is a wonderful way to take care of the customer and create interaction between the customers themselves.  Nevertheless, if curiosity is still killing the cat, there’s a form in which it’s possible to ask questions about a certain object.

Another  feature of Jewellery Italian Style is that it shows the user the latest products available, the best sellers  and other stuff that he or she could be interested in, providing a nice stay. In the end, in case of problem, it’s easy to contact the seller because  the website has a specific form conceived right to communicate with him.

Therefore, this is a digital shopping guide for the customer, always trying to be helpful and even more complete than what’s due. The beauty and high quality of things, like diamond rings with colored stones just to do an example, make all the rest.


Article by Sara Mazzucato

Prima Posizione Srl

About Jewellery Italian Style

New e-commerce of italian wedding rings and so on.

Contact Information

Jewellery Italian Style

Via Monte Verlaldo
63 Cornedo Vicentino (VI) - Italy
Phone : 3402457702
View website

Published in

Business ,

Published on

May 20, 2015
