Nazarene Youth Conference attendees to volunteer at Eastern Cemetery

The Friends of Eastern Cemetery aims to protect and preserve Eastern Cemetery, located on Baxter Avenue in the Highlands.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Press Release - Louisville, KY (July 06, 2015) - The Friends of Eastern Cemetery, of Louisville, will host approximately 100 attendees and chaperones from the 2015 Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC) from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, July 10, at Eastern Cemetery. The NYC, which is held every four years, has chosen Louisville as its conference location this year. Through a series of service projects held across the city, Nazarene Youths will focus on helping Louisville and its citizens. Mayor Greg Fischer’s Office helped select the organizations and locations for these service projects. The Friends of Eastern Cemetery (FOEC) are thrilled to be one of those chosen organizations!

Working with trained FOEC volunteers, high school students from Eastern Tennessee and South Central Ohio will learn the basics of cemetery preservation and receive hands-on training on how to properly clean headstones. These methods follow guidelines put forth by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training. Furthermore, FOEC volunteers will lead tours of Eastern Cemetery to tell the story of those buried there and how they are connected to the broader Louisville history. Eastern Cemetery is home to several mayors, civic leaders, religious leaders, athletes, and more. This partnership between the NYC and FOEC not only helps preserve one of Louisville’s oldest cemeteries but also teaches the importance of historic resources. Hopefully, these students will gain a newfound appreciation for historic cemeteries and look for opportunities to volunteer in their hometowns.

For more information, call (502) 773-2434 or email [email protected].

Media Contact:
Andy Harpole
Friends of Eastern Cemetery
(502) 773-2434
[email protected]  

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About Friends of Eastern Cemetery


Contact Information

Friends of Eastern Cemetery

301 28th Street
Louisville, USA
Phone : (502) 773-2434
View website

Published in

Business ,

Published on

Jul 06, 2015
