Just Outsourcing Expands The Breadth Of Content Automation With New Material, New Genres,

Just Outsourcing's First Draft Content Generator v3.14 Generates A Wide Variety of Writing Genres and Incorporates the Tools Relevant to Each

Just Outsourcing continues to accentuate a marked advantage in writing through its Windows-based software product, "First Draft." Through First Draft, the company provides individuals of any background with the opportunity to quickly generate not only non-fiction and fiction material, but also the many sub-genres that follow. "First Draft uses a unique approach to content development that allows for fast content generation across almost a dozen different genres. As a result, the software is actually capable of generating over 76 different types of content at the moment -- all of which are well-written, grammatically correct, and in context,” explains Nicole Miller, Software Developer.

Just Outsourcing is the home site of the First Draft software program and the first to streamline the writing process with today's technology and age-old writing principles working side-by-side. Aside from generating fully comprehensible articles, reports, blog posts, and stories, the software additionally gives writers more control over what's created through several training tools. According to Nicole, "Giving writers the ability to train First Draft to write the way that they write was the next logical step. That's why the software can create user-preferred content before it even hits the screen. After enough tweaking, the software eventually writes the way each of its users write."

Other additions allow for the invention of new words (neologisms, coins, and semantic extensions), switching back and forth between fiction and non-fiction writing modes, interviewing through an internal chat bot, and more. "First Draft's content database is updated on a daily basis, but that doesn't mean new features are put on hold. It's often through such rigorous updating that the necessity of these new features is realized and ultimately manifested as tools which make the writing process more enjoyable." "For that reason," Nicole added, "I don't always know what new feature will be next.'

So far, since the release of version 3.7, First Draft has nearly quadrupled in content and creativity. Its fiction generator, for example, writes stories with dynamic plots and character dialog. Its report generator not only writes content from spreadsheet data; it also incorporates the same variables that the software uses to facilitate the process even more. And it's math, maps, charts, and graphs functions complement the APA Style Research Report generator in a number of relevant ways. Smaller features, such as its text macros, calendar-based prediction tool, and two 'no-distraction' modes are of additional assistance.

Nicole added, 'I think maybe the most important breakthrough in First Draft's development is its new ability to generate text around plural keywords." In the past, First Draft centered its content generation around brand-name products in singular form. Today, the software generates content not only for plural keywords, but for other types of words as well such as a philosophy or a belief. That means First Draft can write blog posts, critical reviews, data reports, test questions, how-to and opinion articles, press releases, and research reports about products, services, and even simple ideas.

First Draft 3.14 costs $149.99 and can be purchased online from http://www.justoutsourcing.com/ . A trial version of can be downloaded from http://www.justoutsourcing.com/files/fd

Nicole Miller
Address: 1008 Tenth Street PMB #456, Sacramento, CA 95814-3502
Phone: (253) 595-0700
Email: support@justoutsourcing.com

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About Just Outsourcing Expands The Breadth Of Content Automation With New Material, New Genres, And New Tools


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Just Outsourcing Expands The Breadth Of Content Automation With New Material, New Genres, And New Tools

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Sep 16, 2016
