Effective Hormone Replacement Therapies Available at Mirabile MD Beauty

Women facing hormonal imbalances are able to find comprehensive solutions to their ailments with the help of experts at Mirabile MD beauty.

Few establishments are able to act as a one-stop shop for total wellness as Mirabile MD Beauty. Founded by James Mirabile; the unique center functions on the understanding that every patient's issue is most often interrelated. This establishment finely combines the nuances of cosmetics, weight loss, bio-identical hormone therapy and gynecology to offer one-a-kind services for patients with a variety of issues.

"Among the various services offered at this med spa in Kansas City, our hormone therapy is among the most sought after. Patients are increasingly realizing the risks of synthetic hormone replacement treatments and are thus finding value in the bio-identical services offered at Mirabile MD Beauty," reported the spokesperson.

These hormones are especially compounded to identically match what was once produced by the patient's body. The expertise at Mirabile goes beyond prescription and combination of appropriate dosage and delivery method. With the realization that every individual is different and their requirements alter over time, the customized program is designed to deliver the best results.

He continued, "With a variety of options ranging from the use of creams, capsules, injections and pellet therapy, patients are able to efficiently alter their health prospects".

"This therapy is especially beneficial among women during their pre-menopause years. Experts at Mirabile notice that women increasingly are finding trouble ovulating on a regular basis. Often due to stress, use of contraceptive pills, extreme workouts and diets, young women suffer from a variety of symptoms resulting in infertility. With increasing incidences of hidden hormone imbalances in women the treatments offered at this establishment help women regain their health and conceive with ease," the manager added.

The hormone therapy offered at Mirabile MD beauty is also beneficial during the years approaching menopause. This is when women start to have erratic menstrual cycles as the progesterone and estrogen levels begin to fluctuate. After 12 months without a period a woman official enters menopause. With hormone levels significantly dropping, the treatments offered at the clinic prove to be a benefit for women going through a tough menopause.

By speaking with the experts at Mirabile MD Beauty, patients are able to acquire a holistic outlook on their existing health status and the way forward.

About Mirabile MD

Mirabile MD Beauty is a reputed one-stop shop for a variety of cosmetic, hormone therapy, weight loss and gynecology related needs. For more details, visit http://www.mirabilemd.com/

Contact Name: Emily West


4550 West 109th Street Suite 130,
Overland Park, Kansas,
USA - 66211
Phone Number: 1-913-888-7546


About Bio-identical Hormone Therapy Review

Mirabile MD Beauty is a reputed one-stop shop for a variety of cosmetic, hormone therapy, weight loss and gynecology related needs. For more details, visit http://www.mirabilemd.com/

Contact Information

Bio-identical Hormone Therapy Review

4550 West 109th Street Suite 130
Overland Park, Kansas
United States
Phone : 913-888-7546
View website

Published in

Health ,

Published on

Nov 19, 2014
