CONFLUENCE 2014-An Exhibition of Contemporary American Fine Art

Exhibition of Contemporary American Fine Art

VAM Art Inc., a Modern & Contemporary Art promotion group active in the field of global Fine Art is organizing an Exhibition of Contemporary Art that showcases several acclaimed American Artists at its Gallery in Metuchen, NJ, USAin December, 2014. The show, titled CONFLUENCE 2014, includes the artworks of established and emergingAmerican artists whodisplay variegated savoir-faire and styles of expressions.

CONFLUENCE 2014 is the 8th exhibition by VAM Art Inc. in both the United States and India overthe past seven years and which in this show exclusively presents artworks by several outstanding US basedartists.

All CONFLUENCE 2014 artists have their own records of awards andhonors includingregional andInternational recognition in the form of fellowships, residencies and grants.

CONFLUENCE 2014 Artists include:

 Cherilyn SunRidge has beenlocated in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan area since 2012and hashad a strong presence in many juried and privateshows at Art centers in Oregon, New York and New Jersey.

Chris Ernst completed his art educationin Philadelphia, PA, and the Center for Contemporary Arts, Bedminster, NJ. He has been actively showing his artistic oeuvre in exhibitions overthe pastfew years.

Elinore Bucholtz   is a New York based artist who has been participating in numerous group and solo shows. She has excelled in the abstract style of painting and has had works accepted as permanent collections in three prominent museums.

Maja Opacic is an independent artist currently living in New Jersey. She continues to pursue her art practice after completing formal training in art restoration in Belgrade, Serbia. Her recent works titled “Spacescapes” examines the beauty of the universe and other astronomical phenomena.

Stephanie Holznechtis based in Janesville, WI,and has come a long way from realism to abstraction in expressing herself through art. Stephanie graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and Fine Art and worked as a graphic designer and art director for many years before turning to painting


Florence Moonan is an accomplished artist whose artworks have been selected for numerous juried shows throughout the US apart from her solo, invited and group exhibitions in galleries and museums of repute.


Linda LaStella is a New Jersey based artist who specializes in ceramics. Linda has executed several commissioned works both public and private alongside her constant appearances in selected shows.

About VAM Art:

VAM Art Inc. isan art promotion groupthat has been active for the past seven years in the field of ContemporaryFine Art includingnew and mixed media art. Since its inception, VAM Art Inc. has been committedto identifyingand showcasing gifted and talentedartists fromaround the world.


CONFLUENCE 2014 is scheduled toopen at VAM Art’s Gallery; 15 Station Place, Metuchen, NJ, December 19, 2014 continuingthrough March, 2015.

Opening reception: December 19, 2014; 6pm-9pm

You are cordially invited.




VAM Art Inc
15 Station Place, Metuchen, NJ 08840, United States
Tel : +1 732-902-2930

About VAM ART Inc

VAM Art is an initiative that works to bring together and promote all aspects of Contemporary Art (including American Contemporary Art) & Modern Art for better interaction and understanding among acclaimed Artists, Art enthusiasts and Art collectors in th

Contact Information


15 Station Place, Metuchen, NJ 08840
NJ 08840, United States
Phone : +1 732-902-2930
View website

Published in

Art ,

Published on

Dec 17, 2014
