Kayla Itsines Review Reveals Secret of Getting a Bikini Body in Just 12 Weeks

Rachel McDermott, who lost 40 pounds in just 12 weeks using Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guides E-book and writes an honest review, for women to learn the secrets of losing weight and leading a happy fat-free life with an attractive body.

12, October 2016: Everyone wants to have a perfect physique and lead a happy and energetic life. However, getting rid of excessive body fat is not an easy task for many. Rachel McDermott, a 31-year old housewife, has recently lost 40 pounds in just 12 weeks with the help of Bikini Body Guides E-book by Kayla Itsines. Her successful results motivated her to write a review of the Bikini Body Guide that can also inspire others to try the methods described in the e-book and witness encouraging results.

According to Rachel, the Kayla Itsines Reviews could be an eye-opener for every woman who has lost the hope of shedding extra pound to get their beautiful body back again. The review reveals exercises and the diet that Kayla Itsines has researched and developed for an effective weight loss. Rachel maintains that the Bikini Body Guide has two different sections, namely Kayla Itsines Workout and Kayla Itsines Diet. A combination of both workouts and the diet can bring positive changes in a woman’s body. However, one can order for one or another section separately or can also order for both the sections.

Rachel first describes about the workout section, and reveals that it contains specific exercise plans for the complete 12 weeks duration. According to her, one just needs to work out for half an hour each day six days a week. One day per week is fixed for the rest. And can witness visible changes in her body weight on a weekly basis. The BBG diet book recommends different meals with the energy of 1600 calories a day for a woman to get the right amount of nutrition to keep going. The guide has full diet plans for two weeks, which one can repeat twice a month.

For Rachel, the Bikini Body Guides by Kayla Itsines and Jen Ferruggia brought the key changes in just three months. Her Jen Ferruggia BBG review can be accessed online at JenFerruggiaReview.com. And for the complete Kayla Itsines BBG review, one can visit the website http://jenferruggiareview.com/kayla-itsines-review-the-bikini-body-guide/.

About Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide:

Bikini Body Guides from Kayla Itsines contain a set of workouts and diets for 12 weeks duration. The complete exercise and diet plan has been designed for women to shed their extra pounds and get their bikini body in just 12 weeks.

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Kayla Itsines Reviews
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Website: http://jenferruggiareview.com


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Published in

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Published on

Oct 12, 2016
