Frank Goh’s newly launched book called ‘A Proven Management Manual’ has gained immense popularity among the professionals all over the world because of its sheer focus on sharing the practical experience which are effective in problem solving.
FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE - South Hampton, UK (Aug 18, 2015) - Frank Goh, who has been helping businesses for more than 37 years enabling them to meet their targets, has now penned down his thoughts, strategies, and experience in which newly launched book on business development that is entitled ‘A Proven Management Manual’. The book has become an instant hit among the professionals because of the sheer focus of the book in sharing experience rather than focussing upon the theoretical aspects or clichéd theories. The book divulges some incredible secrets on leadership and team work that one is going to find invaluable for climbing up the ladder of success while working in an organisation. Moreover, the first chapter of the book is completely free if one subscribes by providing their email by visiting the official website of the company. The book is an amazing piece of motivation that one could get after going through the experience of the successful business professionals.
It is noteworthy that in today’s hostile environment where everyone is vying for the top slot the competition has become very aggressive. Everyone wants result by hook or crook. So, in this scenario the techniques discussed by the experienced professional turned author Frank Goh are remarkable as one learn about the benefits of working together in a team. The stress is laid on coordination among the employees that is necessary for the success of any organisation.
Moreover, the book aims at providing novel and innovative solutions rather than focusing on the conventional ways of problem solving. One learns the miracles that one could get by working together under a successful leadership. The importance of team work is duly highlighted in the book.
In short, the book is a perfect book on business development, and due to its novel solutions the book has gained a lot of popularity among the professionals all over the world.
For more information, please visit
Media Contact:
Frank Goh
Diligence Close
South Hampton SO31 8GU
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0044-02380407089
business development , leadership , team work , motivation , working together , coordination
Business ,
Aug 18, 2015