Advanced Hair Studio Proudly Announces New Pune Treatment Centre Opening

World’s Number One in Elite Hair Regeneration Opens Eighth Indian Studio

Advanced Hair Studio is proud to announce the official opening of a brand new clinic in the Indian city of Pune. The new treatment centre becomes the eighth to have been opened by the brand in India so far, bringing the world’s most advanced hair restoration and replacement procedures to a larger audience than ever before.

Having already achieved recognition across much of the world, Advanced Hair Clinic is continuing its expansion across a number of key markets. Known for revolutionising hair restoration and replacement procedures for a discerning 21st century clientele, the company has already helped hundreds of thousands to restore a fuller, more youthful look. When hair loss or thinning become a life-affecting issue, the cutting-edge treatments of Advanced Hair Clinic are guaranteed to make a lasting difference.

Unique Care for Men, Women and Children in India

“We have helped a wide range of clients from diverse backgrounds achieve their hair growth goals. Men and women have come through the Advanced Hair Clinic doors and received hair restoration solutions that really work. From all walks of life and all professions, regaining hair loss gives everyone, no matter who they are, a new outlook on life and the self-confidence they deserve.” – Advanced Hair Studio

The new Advanced Hair Clinic in Pune will offer the same revolutionary treatments as those already provided day in and day out at the company’s hair loss centre London. It’s a simple fact of life that hair thickness and quality play a direct role in a person’s confidence and general outlook. Premature baldness or thinning at any age can be enormously detrimental to a person’s wellbeing, though with a little help from Advanced Hair Clinic it’s possible to reach out and grasp former confidence once again.

Already operating seven treatment clinics across India, Advanced Hair Clinic is now within easy reach of those living in and around the Pune area. The new clinic’s contact details are as follows:

Survey No.84/6

North Main Road

Koregaon Park Plaza Mall Road

Koregaon Park

Pune – 411036


Telephone - +91 20 65309191

Email – [email protected]

The team is ready and waiting to hear from men and women with any and every hair or scalp condition that may be in some way negatively affecting their life. No case is too small or too advanced to treat – Advanced Hair Clinic covers it all!

Risk Free, Obligation Free

We offer a free, no-obligation Advanced Hair Check for all potential clients. Our development of new hair loss remedies and our relentless research to find the cure for baldness and thinning hair has enabled us to help over 500,000 people with hair regeneration.” – Advanced Hair Studio

All new clients are welcome to contact the new Advanced Hair Clinic in Pune for a 100% obligation-free and risk-free consultation. Simply get in touch with the team to arrange an appointment and find out just how the revolutionary approach to hair restoration and replacement of Advanced Hair Clinic could begin changing your life today!

About Advanced Hair Studio:

Advanced Hair Studio is the world’s premier authority on the treatment and prevention of hair loss and baldness. Founded back in 1976 and now spanning the globe, Advanced Hair Clinic calls upon unique and effective techniques and treatments to deliver results quickly, safely and affordably. For more information, get in touch with the team today or visit

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About Advanced Hair Studio

Advanced Hair Studio is the world’s premier authority on the treatment and prevention of hair loss and baldness.

Contact Information

Advanced Hair Studio

40 Fitzroy Square
Phone : 0845 600 8899
View website

Published in

Health ,

Published on

Aug 21, 2014

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